At Barlow Pre School School we follow ‘The Early Years Foundation Stage ‘Statutory Framework (EYFS).
It covers all the stages of development from birth to the end of the child’s first year in school (reception year).
The EYFS is based on 4 overarching principles which shape good practice in early years settings:–
A unique child. Every child is a unique. They are consistently learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
Positive relationships. Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
Enabling environments. Children learn and develop well in environments where their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and yourself as a parent and/or carer.
Children learn and develop in different ways and at different rates.
The framework covers the education and care of your child within the early years setting, including children with additional needs.
The activities and experiences that we provide for your child will underpin the skills they need to work towards the Early Learning Goals in the following 7 areas:
Prime Areas
Communication and language
Physical Development
Personal, social and emotional development
Specific Areas
Understanding the World
Expressive Art and Design
Every child's curriculum is unique and tailored to their individual interests and needs.
See the link below for the 10 keys to school readiness. We work towards these during your child's time with us.
At Barlow Pre School we base our curriculum around the ‘Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning’.
These are the ways in which children engage with other people and their environment through playing and exploring, active learning, and creating and thinking critically.
They underpin learning and development across all areas and support the child to remain an effective and motivated learner.
Playing and exploring-engagement
Finding out and exploring
Playing with what they know
Being willing to ‘have a go’
Active learning -motivation
Being involved and concentrating
Keep trying
Enjoying and achieving what they set out to do
Creating and thinking critically -thinking
Having their own ideas
Making links
Choosing ways to do things