Safeguarding and the safety of children in our care is our number one priority. We have a duty and responsibility to ensure that children thrive and achieve their very best potential. This can only be achieved when a child’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being is prioritised.
At Barlow Pre School we implement a robust set of policies and procedures to ensure that children in our care are kept safe from harm, not only while attending the Pre School, but also where we suspect they may be coming to harm outside of the setting.
We work with various local safeguarding partners to achieve our aims for protecting children. This includes Derby and Derbyshire safeguarding children partnership, starting point and call Derbyshire.
Online safety is of high importance and we have a robust filtering and monitoring policy.
We have two Designated Safeguarding Leads within the Pre school. The persons responsible for safeguarding are:-
Joanne Staley (Manager)
Alison Walker (Deputy Manager)
We are contactable at all times, including weekends and school holidays at
We ensure ALL staff at our sites receive appropriate and regular training and updates around safeguarding. This includes ensuring that staff can identify signs of possible abuse and neglect at the earliest opportunity. Safeguarding is EVERYONES responsibility.
Robust checks take place during the recruitment of staff at Pre School. This includes carrying out an enhanced DBS criminal record checks; insisting on 2 references from previous employers; online searches; and ongoing suitability checks throughout employment.
At Barlow Pre School we have a culture of shared responsibility for ensuring our children’s safety. Our team are trained and fully aware of their responsibility to flag any worries or concerns about colleagues to the designated safeguarding officer.
If you are concerned about a child- Important Contact Numbers
Call Derbyshire: 01629 533190
Derbyshire safeguarding board: 01332 642351